Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Final Grades for Course

Hi everyone,

Hope you're having a great summer. Here's a link for your final grade for the course: Humanities 160 Spring 2010

Good luck with your courses, and have a great break!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reading for Tuesday, April 27

Here's a link to the reading for next Tuesday - this was pushed back from the original date of today. We'll finish up the discussion and presentation about "From Mama's Boy to He-Man" today in class, and then move on to this paper next week.

This is an excerpt from a debate at Harvard University. If you want to read, watch, or listen to the entire debate, go here: Science of Gender

Photo (c) John A Beal, PhD
Dep't. of Cellular Biology & Anatomy, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport under Creative Commons

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Midterm Self Assessment Project

A test is always a good opportunity to think about what you're doing right, and what you can work on, in a class. Please take some time to fill out the survey, below. It will help you think about what you can do to achieve your goals in the class, and help me to see what I can do to help you.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Reading for Tuesday

Because I put this up so long ago, it's buried several pages deep on the blog, now. I thought I'd repost so you can get to it easily.

Here's the link for the reading due on Tuesday: From Mama's Boy to He-Man

To flip the pages, click on "download" and then open the file in preview. Then go to "view" and have it rotate the page.

Grade Updates

Here's a newly updated grade form. Look your grades up by Student ID number (excel drops the 0's off of the front of numbers, so if your student ID starts with any zeros, drop them to find your ID).

The first three pages show your overall grade thus far. The farthest column to the right shows your current percentage grade (as a decimal - .74368574 would be a 74%, or C). Each set of three pages after that gives you a breakdown of an individual part of your grade - short papers, group project, quizzes, etc., so you can see what you've gotten on each assignment, if you're missing any assignments, etc. Let me know if you think there are mistakes right away! It's much easier to fix things now before anything is officially posted.

If you owe me assignments, get them to me right away. All of the assignments are posted on the blog. Some of you are missing the latest assignments: the short paper on Sex and Culture, or the group project on Sex and Culture. There's a make-up assignment for that group project posted on the blog, for those of you who missed it. Be sure to read the make-up assignment carefully! There are multiple readings and videos for you to watch in preparation for the writing portion of the assignment. You're making up for 10 - 12 hours of work, so it's a multi-part assignment.

Let me know if you have questions. See you tomorrow!